Thursday, 6 August 2015

These 5 Small Animals Make Great Pets

If you need companionship for yourself or a child, you may be considering getting a pet. People who live in smaller homes, have very busy schedules and/or just do not have the time to entertain a dog or clean up after a cat should consider an easy-to-care for rodent.

For many, the very word rodent conjures up images of gnashing, snarling rats. That would be enough to turn them off of the notion of owning such a pet. The truth is, though, many rodents—rats included—make excellent pets.

One of the chief reasons rats make such great pets is that they easily entertain themselves and this can be fun to watch. Rats are inquisitive, friendly and prone to mischief, but this mischief can be contained simply with a cage designed specifically for this use. Furthermore, feeding rats is as easy as placing nutritious snacks on a bowl and keeping a feeder bottle filled with fresh, clean water.

Hamsters are another excellent small pet choice. Fluffy, friendly and generally delightful, these cute balls of fur are sure to capture the hearts of young and old alike. Placing a few toys in a suitable cage ensures that your hamsters will get plenty of exercise and this translates to hours of fun observation, for kids especially.

Gerbils are among the prettiest of the small pets you might consider. Their dewy, coal point eyes can be quite engaging, and their inquisitive nature can create a sense of friendship between them and their owners.

Guinea pigs make delightful pets, too. Larger than most pet rodents, guinea pigs are perfect for smaller children who understand the importance of treating all creatures gently and kindly. Available in a wide array of colors and hair lengths, these adorable creatures make pleasant gibbering conversation and can be taken outside for grass time so long as they are kept in an enclosure and protected through constant observation.

Chinchillas may be the most tempting pets for people who appreciate beauty and delicate appearances. Close to the size of a guinea pig, chinchillas must be treated even more gently. Native to the Andes Mountains, these pets must be kept in cool, climate-controlled situations. If you cannot ensure cooler comfort for a chinchilla, you should consider opting for another type of rodent.

Regardless of the rodent you choose, be sure to include comfortable bedding, water and food in their habitat. Largely social, these small pets thrive when they are kept in small groups of two or more.

Human beings thrive in homes where pets are welcome, to find a veterinarian for rodents in San Jose, please visit this website.

Monday, 3 August 2015

Bucket List for Dying Shelter Dog

Senior dogs are hard enough to adopt out when they're healthy, so the Animal Ark Rescue in Georgia knew it would be no easy task to find someone to more

Pros and Cons of Getting a Second Dog


If you are considering getting a second dog, you may be weighing the pros and cons. Getting a second pet is a big decision, and something that should not be taken lightly. There are pros and cons to having a second dog. Here are some of the pros and cons to figure out whether or not a second dog is for you.


Of course, there’s no denying that having a second dog would bring more love into your life. Dogs are loving and loyal by nature, so getting a second dog is a nice way to bring in some extra companionship. If you spend a lot of time playing with your dog and have fun doing it, then imagine that times two. Your dog would likely enjoy having a playmate as well.


Adding a second dog would be challenging in some ways, and it’s important to remember that before making your final decision. First of all, having two dogs is more expensive than having one. That’s twice the amount of food and twice the amount of vet bills. It’s also important to remember that dogs, especially puppies, can be very playful and destructive, and training them can be a challenge.

Cream-Colored Chinchilla

With plush and thick fur that evolved in the Andes Mountains, Chinchillas come in a variety of colors. Watch as this white-furred fellow casually wanders outside his cage.

Four Dog Emergencies That Should Not Be Ignored


When you have a dog as a pet, they quickly become a part of the family. It is important to take them to the vet regularly for checkups as well as when they are sick. You may be wondering what constitutes as an emergency and what can wait a day or two. Here are some examples of emergencies that require immediate treatment.

Respiratory Issues

Dogs that are having a difficult time breathing need to be seen by a vet right away. There is no time to lose; only a few minutes can make the difference between life and death.


Bloat is another thing dogs can experience that needs immediate treatment. If your dog experiences any of the following symptoms, get him or her to the vet right away:

  • Restlessness
  • Unexplainable panting
  • Attempting to vomit
  • Bloated stomach


There are several reasons why your dog might collapse. This may be due to a disease or because of organ failure. Unfortunately, any time your dog collapses, it means something serious and they need to be seen as soon as possible.


If your dog has been hit by a car or suffered some other trauma, it is important that they be seen. This is true even if they seem to be fine. Internal bleeding could have occurred so they need to be checked out sooner rather than later.

These are only a few of the many instances in which a dog should be seen by a vet immediately. If your dog experiences any of these symptoms or anything that truly concerns you, then get them to an emergency animal clinic in Morgan Hill.

Secrets to Good Feline Health

Monday morning arrives and your normally less-than-sunny co-worker is all smiles in her enthusiasm to share her exciting more

Sunday, 2 August 2015

Four Common Health Issues in Rabbits


Rabbits make a great pet. They are quiet, friendly, and relatively easy to take care of. However, they do have their own health issues, just like any animal. Knowing some of the most common health issues can help you know when you need to take action.

Gastrointestinal Stasis

Gastrointestinal stasis is when a rabbit’s digestive system stops working. This is dangerous and the effects can be difficult to reverse. Symptoms include:

  • Loss of appetite
  • Reduced feces
  • Acting abnormally


Rabbits are prone to different parasites such as ticks, fleas, and mites. Using a treatment regularly can help prevent this from happening, which is important because these parasites can be easily spread between animals.

Respiratory Issues

Unfortunately, it isn’t uncommon for rabbits to suffer from respiratory issues. These can range from relatively mild to life threatening. Signs of a respiratory infection can include:

  • Increased breathing rate
  • Discharge from nose or eyes
  • Wheezing
  • Sneezing

Dental Issues

While generally not as serious as some of the issues mentioned above, dental issues often plague rabbits. This is because their teeth never stop growing. It is a good idea to schedule regular checkups so that your veterinarian can let you know if there are any possible issues.

Taking your rabbit to the vet regularly is important to maintain good health. Your vet will be able to recognize symptoms that may signal that your rabbit is having issues. In addition, call your rabbit vet in San Jose.